“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

Men’s Elite Team

Christian Perpinan

Chris is a born and raised Floridian and has been racing since 2019. His favorite race/race course is Athens Twilight Criterium “ because it was one of my first experiences at a big national level event.”

What he loves about cycling is “the high speed.” His favorite pro cyclist is Mathieu van der Poel.

Chris’ goals for the season are “to win a lot of races as a good representation of who my Father is.” His favorite non cycling things are video games and movies.

A cause close to Chris’ heart is “helping those who feel as if they have been left alone by everyone else.”

His favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 91—"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

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Frankel Rodriguez

Frankel was born in the Dominican Republic and he now lives in Miami, Florida. He has been racing since he was 11 years old. His favorite race/race course is the National Road Championship “because it is a race that is done once a year and everyone prepares to win it and wear the jersey with the flag of their country.”

What he loves about cycling is “the people you meet in competition, the coffee rides and the suffering in training to enjoy the victories.” His favorite pro cyclist is Mathieu van der Poel.

Frankel's goals for the season are “to give some victories to the team and be National Champion.” His favorite non cycling thing is “watching documentaries of all kinds.”

A cause that is close to his heart is “seeing homeless people on the streets and doing what we can to help them.”

His favorite scripture verse is: Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Juan Galloza

Juan (aka Chupi) was born and raised in Davenport, FL & now lives in Dundee. He has been racing since he was 12 years old.

What he loves about cycling is “the adrenaline the speed that comes with racing but also that you can go out and get to meet new people that share the same passion as you.” His favorite pro cyclist is Mathieu van der Poel.

Chupi’s goals for the season are “helping the team grow as much as possible whether it’s helping the community or in racing, Winning one of the races at Tulsa tough, and a podium at National Crit/Road Race.” His favorite non cycling thing to do is go out exploring new places and trying out new things!

A cause close to Chupi’s heart would be “the reduction of poverty and hunger worldwide.”

His favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 73:26 — "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Carlo Roche

Carlo was born in Mexico City, MX and came to the United States when he was 5 years old. He has resided in Pembroke Pines, FL ever since. He has been racing since 2014. His favorite race/race course is Downers Avenue at Tour of America's Dairyland. "It was the first pro race I saw back in 2016 and it was an incredible atmosphere. As a kid I was amazed at the speed and size of the race so I have always aspired to be like the bike racers I saw that day."

What he loves about cycling is “the complexity of cycling, how you can finesse your way to a great result without being the strongest rider or help a teammate and disregard your own result yet still feel fulfilled.” His favorite pro cyclist is Wout Van Aert.

Carlo's goals for the season are “to improve on the areas that are my weaknesses. Attain my goal of finishing a national level race in the Top 5 & help someone on the team achieve their goal through teamwork.” His favorite non cycling thing is aviation!

A cause close to Carlo's heart is saving young children.

His favorite scripture verse is: Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


Luke Harris

Luke is from Athens, GA and has been racing since 2017. His favorite race/race course is Athens Twilight because "it's my home race and by far the best racing atmosphere I've ever experienced."

What he loves about cycling is “the feeling of racing my bike and getting to push the limits of my body and equipment. I am also extremely grateful for the community I've found in the sport over the years.” His favorite pro cyclist is Tadej Pogacar.

Luke’s goals for the season are “to be selected for the 2024 Mountain Bike World Championships in Andorra and along the way I'd like to get some more experience and wins on the road as well.” His favorite non cycling things are playing guitar, hiking, fishing, eating good food, and hanging out with friends from his church's youth group.

A cause close to Luke's heart is “leading people to a personal relationship with Jesus!”

His favorite scripture verse is: Colossians 2:6-7 — "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Sebastian Cano

Although Sebastian was born in Miami, FL he was raised in Medellin, COL until he was 12 years old. He now resides in Miami, FL with his family. He began racing back in 2005-2006, then took some time off and came back to racing in 2018. His favorite race/race course is "Athens Twilight - the atmosphere is electric and the length makes it a race of attrition which is where I do my best."

What he loves about cycling is “that is keeps me balanced and has allowed me to meet some of my best friends (my wife included).” His favorite pro cyclist is Peter Sagan.

Seba's goals for the season are “to get a Top 5 at Athens Twilight, win the Florida State Championships & defend my Master's National Championship titles.” His favorite non cycling things are spending time with his family and cooking!

A cause close to Seba's heart is Breast Cancer Awareness. "My aunt is a survivor so it is really close to our hearts."

His favorite scripture verse is Psalm 18:32-34 - "It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.


Andre Botelho

Andre was born and grew up in São Paulo, Brazil and he now resides in Miami, FL. He began racing back in 2007/2008, took some years off the bike and picked it up again in 2018. His favorite race/race course is "the Florida State Road Race; it's a bit longer than our usual races and it's a road race so it's nice to switch it up from racing criteriums from time to time."

What he loves about cycling is “the friendships we build with other cyclists as well as being able to experience the city and places we live or visit in a different way on the bike.” His favorite pro cyclist is Francisco Chamorro.

Andre's goals for the season are “to be healthy and in race shape year round, to be able to race and by doing so have fun all year long.” His favorite non cycling things are BBQ with friends, and taking his dog for walks around the neighborhood.

A cause close to Andre's heart is "to improve other people's lives by extending a helping hand when they are in need."

His favorite scripture verse is Exodus 20:12 - "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.


Luis Rivera

Luis is from Cayey, Puerto Rico. He has been racing mountain bike since 2010 and road racing since 2015.

What he loves about cycling is “lo que eres capaz de lograr conociendo tu cuerpo.” His favorite pro cyclist is Peter Sagan.

Luis' goals for the season are to “crear un movimiento como colectivo en equipo y lograr la mayor cantidad de victorias.” His favorite non cycling thing to do is hike.

His favorite scripture verse is: Philippians 4:13 — "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Sergio Sanchez-Moruno

Sergio was born in Extremadura, Spain and now resides in Delray Beach, FL. He began racing in 2015. His favorite race is Vuelta Espana "sobre todo porque es la carrera de mi país y porque siempre es muy emocionante y fanático de las clásicas"

What he loves about cycling “es la adrenalina de la competición, siento. Que no hay nada comparable como estar en medio de un lote a 30/35 millas peleando por posiciones.” His favorite pro cyclist is Mathieu Vanderpol.

Sergio's goals for the season are “consolidarnos como equipo y trabajar para colocarnos en lo más alto del cajón siempre que competimos, siento que tenemos un muy buen equipo para ello.” His favorite non cycling things are "el tenis es mi pasión desde chico, me dedico a ello como trabajo. Desde los 11 años que me dedica 24/7 a ello."

Sergio said "soy de esas personas que si hace algo es para dar el máximo, que no quepa duda que daré mejor versión en esta emocionante andadura con Kingdom Racing."


Women’s Elite Team

Shannon Koch

Shannon was born & raised in Flower Mound, TX, and she now lives in Daytona Beach, FL. She has been racing since 2001. Her favorite race/race course is The Hill at Gateway Cup “the energy at this race is unreal. There are so many spectators lining the streets of this Historic Italian neighborhood in St. Louis. The course suits me well & I can’t wait to tackle it again this year with the team.”

What she loves about cycling is “the places around the world it has allowed me to see, the amazing group of people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, and the discipline and competitive outlet it provides me that, in turn, transfers to all areas of my life.” Her favorite pro cyclist is Wout Van Aert.

Shannon’s goals for the season are “to be a light to those around me in the peloton and off the bike wherever we happen to be helping or ministering. In racing my goal is to be a positive team leader and pass on the knowledge I have to my teammates. I have my eye on a couple key National level races like Sunny King, Armed Forces & US Crit Nationals where we hope to bring home a podium.”

Her favorite non cycling things are painting/drawing, charcuterie & playing fetch with my cats.

A cause close to her heart is “providing comfort & kindness to the homeless. I believe everyone deserves to be treated with dignity & have access to basic essentials. I also enjoy giving back and spending time with underprivileged youth that need a dependable, positive role model in their life.”

Her favorite scripture verse is: Ephesians 6:10-18 —"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand

Heidy Praderas

Heidy was born & raised in Cuba and she now lives in Tampa, Florida. She has been racing since 2012. Her favorite race/race course is Athens (Speedweek) “me gusta el ambiente que se vive en esta carrera y su publico.”

What she loves about cycling is “la adrenalina y su velocidad.” Her favorite pro cyclist is Mathieu van der Poel.

Heidy's goals for the season are “poder ganar algunas carreras y ayudar en todo lo q pueda al equipo” Her favorite non cycling things are “salir con mis perros jugar un poco voeibol ,pickleball,tomar café ,con mis amigos y familia.

A cause she is passionate about is “poder Ayudar a los demás en todo lo que pueda.

Her favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 100—" Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs...

Rebecca Lang

Gabriella Dixon

Gabby was born in Livonia, MI and now resides in Riverview, FL. She has been racing since 2013. Her favorite race/race course is Downer's Classic at the Tour of America's Dairyland. "The atmosphere is amazing and draws large crowds. It's a great course with tight turns around a .9 mile triangle."

What she loves about cycling is “the speed, strategy and tactics that go into every race, as well as the opportunity to travel all around the country and meet new people.” Her favorite pro cyclist is Marianne Vos.

Gabby's goals for the season are “to contribute to my new team and work on my race tactics.” Her favorite non cycling things are spending time with her loved ones, playing with her bunny "Oreo", and working on her Cybersecurity skills.

A cause close to Gabby's heart is helping those in need. "Everyone needs a hand sometimes, and I am happy and willing to be the person to provide it."

Her favorite scripture verse is Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Valentina Hernandez

Valentina was born and raised in Miami, FL & now lives in Orlando. She has been racing since 2018. Her favorite race/race course is Winston Salem. "My favorite race course has to be the Winston Salem crit. It is challenging, technical enough to still have fun on it, maybe also because my best result has been in that course so it holds a special place!"

What she loves about cycling is that “it has taken me to a lot of places and has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of people and some of those are a huge role in my life.” Her favorite pro cyclist is Mark Cavendish.

Valentina’s goals for the season are “to continue to grow as a racer and share our mission nation wide.” Her favorite non cycling things are the beach and to travel!

A cause close to Valentina’s heart is “Every organization that gives back to the Diabetes community, where it truly helps to change the lives of those living with Type 1 Diabetes.”

Her favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 112:6-8 "Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

Masters Elite Team

Rich Perpinan

Rich is from Brooklyn, NY and now resides in Debary, FL. He has been racing since 1992. His favorite race/race course is Athens Twilight because "it is an amazing race venue. The entire community supports the event, parties alongside the riders and that creates an energy that is second to none."

What he loves about cycling is “the chess match that we engage in as we try to captain our team over the competition.” His favorite pro cyclist is Alejandro Valverde.

Rich’s goals for the season are “helping my teammates on and off the bike, while remaining focused and keeping first things first. #ministry” His favorite non cycling things are engaging in conversations with strangers and discovering their passions.

A cause close to Rich's heart would be helping children "I have a soft spot for children that have been abused in any way shape or form."

His favorite scripture verse is: Isaiah 6:8 — "And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me."

Pedro Medina

Pedro is from Cuba and now resides in Orlando, FL. He has been racing since 1987. His favorite race/race course is Real Campeones because "la dureza del terreno."

What he loves about cycling is “the competition.” His favorite pro cyclist is Alejandro Valverde.

Pedro’s goals for the season are “to try and stay healthy throughout the year.” His favorite non cycling thing to do is vacation with the family at the beach.

A cause close to Pedro's heart is raising awareness and fighting child poverty.

His favorite scripture verse is: Philippians 4:13 — "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Eric McBride

Eric was born & raised in Western Pennsylviania and in Wellington, FL. He has been racing since 1992 but took 10 years off to focus on kids and career. When asked his favorite race/race course there were too many to choose from! "Given I race 60x a year I enjoy race course variety. I pride myself in being able to race any kind of course (hilly, flat, technical, etc.) and be in contention. I think it's most rewarding to win on a tight, technical and hilly course though. It highlights a racer's skill and fitness. Best example would be the Hyde Park Blast in Cincinnati."

What he loves about cycling is “the race strategy and dynamics.” His favorite pro cyclist is Wout Van Aert.

Eric's goals for the season are “to win Master's races at the highest level of the sport.” His favorite non cycling thing is spending time with his family & dog!

His favorite scripture verse: Eric feels so strongly about this verse that he shared, "Let's get to the point; this is GOD's directive." - John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 


Steve Mlujeak

Steve was born in Traverse City, MI and now resides in Pembroke Pines, FL. He began racing back in 1990. His favorite race/race course is Cherry Roubaix Road Race & Crit. "It's a home town race with challenging RR and technical downtown crit on the bricks of old Traverse City, MI. My son and I have both won there."

What he loves about cycling is “the tactics of racing with a team and the places the bike has taken, as well as the people I have met along the way.” His favorite pro cyclist is Peter Sagan.

Steve's goals for the season are “to get more kids on bikes and racing with my Top Step DEVO program. Personal goals are road & track nationals.” When asked what his favorite non cycling things are he said "non-cycling, what else is there! :) But I also enjoy hanging out with Family at our home in Michigan." 

A cause close to Steve's heart is supporting Veterans. 

His favorite scripture verse is 1 John 4:8 - "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 


Jim Rufrano

Jim is from Orlando, FL and now resides in Mount Dora, FL. He has been racing since 2020. His favorite race/race course is Pinellas Park because "it is flat and fast!"

What he loves about cycling is “being able to stay competitive, as we still continue to grow older.”

Jim’s goals for the season are “to improve spiritual fitness and physical fitness.” His favorite non cycling thing to do is offshore fishing.

A cause close to Jim's heart is raising awareness and support for Alzheimer's research.

His favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 23:2-3 — "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake."

Lionel Rodriguez

Lionel is from Puerto Rico and now resides in Miami, FL. He has been racing since 1983. His favorite race/race course is Clasica Puerto Rico "because of its amazing international competition."

What he loves about cycling is “the friendships and team camaraderie.” His favorite pro cyclist is Wout Van Aert.

Lionel's goals for the season are “to gain the confidence and fitness necessary to win a race solo.” His favorite non cycling thing is photography!


Jairo Castro

Jairo is from Pereira, Colombia and now resides in Orlando, FL. He has been racing since 1985. His favorite race/race course is Ice Cream Hill Road Race because "it has punchy climbs."

What he loves about cycling is “la aventura como equipo y las amistades.” His favorite pro cyclists are Vanderpol & Pogacar.

Jairo’s goals for the season are “disfrutar todo el año con mis amigos.” His favorite non cycling thing is spending time with his family.

A cause close to Jairo's heart is "ayudar a toda persona en necesidad."

His favorite scripture verse is: Psalm 1:1 — "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."

Roddy Colon

Roddy (aka the Rhino) is from Puerto Rico and now resides in Miami, FL. He has been racing since 1983. His favorite race/race course is the old Lake Mary Crit because of "the wide open road and speed. Also Dade City Crit, the number of turns just makes it unique. And new favorite, "Choli" crit in Puerto Rico."

What he loves about cycling is “it is my connection to great memories, is also keeps me grounded in the present and optimistic for the future.” His favorite pro cyclists are currently, Remco Evenepol, and of all time, Mario Cipollini.

Roddy’s goals for the season are “to stay healthy, motivated and helping the team deliver as many wins as possible. Personal goals are to secure a podium spot in La Clasica Master Puerto Rico.” His favorite non cycling things are mens wear, photography, interior design & decor.

A cause close to Roddy's heart is "St Jude Children's Hospital and Alzheimer's research & prevention."

His favorite scripture verse is: Philippians 3:13-14 — "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."